Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A question that needs to be answered

I know what you're all thinking..."James, the playoffs begin tomorrow. What happens if Becca goes into labor while the Yankees are on?"
I thank you all for your concern. While we hope we can avoid this most unfortunate of circumstances, the reality of the situation is that we have no control over when our little one decides to join the world.

The ideal situation would be to avoid these dates: October 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th, or 14th (first round- Yankees vs Twins). But in the event she wants to catch the clinching game, I've already taken the necessary precautions to ensure the hospital has a TV not only in the postpartum room, but the delivery room as well. This way I'll be able to catch every pitch and the miracle of life all at once.

Of course I'm only kidding and I wouldn't be that insensitive to force my wife to watch the Yankees while she is delivering our child....

I'll be on the iPhone.

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