Friday, October 21, 2011

Claire's 2nd Birthday Party 'American Clairelines'

Saturday marked the two year anniversary of The Claire.  I've learned a lot from her, and I'd like to think she's learned a thing or two from me too.  The humans celebrated her with a big party, gifts, and yummy treats.  They don't do that for me, so I guess I know where I stand now.  I've been working with her a lot recently and she's getting more and more vocal as the days go by and putting those words into sentences.  She also loves to sing.  She serenades me with "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" on a daily basis.  Even though I wasn't invited, I was able to secure some pictures from her party.

Oy, what to do with all these toys?

Claire is growing up!

She's smart and sweet and ready to take on the world. The past few months we have really seen her grow up.  She's been spending her days at Levine Academy really getting in touch with her Jewish roots.  She can say the Hamotzi by herself, although, sometimes she goes with the shorter version "Hamotzi. Amen. Challah."  

Another thing we've worked hard on is sharing.  She can recite her book "I Can Share" from cover to cover, but putting it into practice is sometimes a challenge. She does have excellent manners though.  During her 2 year check up she was able to fight through the tears after getting her shots and thanked the nurse who administered them.  We've got a tall little child on our hands. She measured in the 80th percentile in height, but as you know a lady never reveals her weight.  

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers